3.1 Game Economic Model

A. Land: At this time, there are only 500 pieces of land left on the earth, and only those who have land can grow crops on it.

  1. Land acquisition method ·Synthesis: Depending on the advanced technology at that time, new land can be synthesized using the method of land + land or fruit + fertilizer ·Purchase Genesis Land

  2. Land fertility system Each time a crop is planted, a certain amount of soil fertility will be consumed until it is exhausted and cannot be planted. Fertility will be consumed differently depending on the type of crop. Introduction to soil fertility · Genesis Land: Fertility 2800 ·Synthetic Land: Fertility 10-2800

B. Mystery box: For the sake of fairness, the 'Doomsday Seed Bank' will distribute mystery boxes to all survivors. Each mystery box can open various props and seeds. The probability details are as follows:

C. Prop gameplay

  1. Fertilizer: as one of the raw materials for synthesizing land;

  2. Gloves: Steal fruits from other survivors, up to 5%, each survivor can use unlimited gloves*;

  3. Spades: For the land being leased, if no one harvests the plant after maturity, it cannot be planted by oneself, and can be removed with a spade;

  4. Fruits: The only seeds left in the doomsday seed bank have been scientifically improved, and the maturity time is 1.5 hours, and the corresponding experience value can be obtained by harvesting the fruit;

  5. Props synthesis Survivors can use a certain amount of fruits to synthesize game props such as fertilizers, gloves, shovels, and water.

*Fruit can be stolen between anyone, you can stole one time per hour,a plant can be stolen up to unlimited times, each plant matures is limited to 5%, 50% of the 5% at the first time, the remaining 50% the second time, the third time and so on.

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