1.3 Cloud Gaming Market and 5G Technology Development

Needless to say, when it comes to the biggest development within the gaming market in 2021, we have to mention cloud gaming. This year, a lot of innovation has been carried out in the cloud game market, and it has also been recognized by more consumers.

In fact, the cloud gaming market will generate more than twice as much revenue in 2021 as it did in 2020, and even show greater growth potential:

Guilherme Fernandes, Marketing Consultant at Newzoo, said: “We predict that many consumers will look for other ways to play newly released games as it is difficult for players to upgrade their hardware and new hardware will not be available until the end of 2022 at the earliest. It's a perfect solution." Cloud gaming is one of the biggest usage scenarios for 5G. Fortunately, a large number of consumers are already using 5G-enabled hardware devices:

In 2021, the number of active smartphones worldwide will reach 4.6 billion (+5.7% year-on-year growth), of which 15.4% - or 703.5 million - support 5G technology. This means that the year-on-year growth rate of the number of active 5G smartphones worldwide reached an astonishing 230.9%.

Overall, there have been many memorable events in the mobile market over the past year.

“One of the most impactful changes is Apple’s new Transparency in App Tracking (ATT),” said Timothy Gu, head of telecom and mobile markets at Newzoo. Businesses, ad tech companies, and app stores—all need to adapt to these new changes and the challenges that come with them. However, the mobile market continues to lead some of the most prominent and positive changes in gaming. We believe that in the new Under the privacy policy, the mobile market will continue to thrive.”

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