2.2.2 Game Guild

Analyzing the popularity of Axie Infinity, the YGG game guild behind it has contributed greatly, making it possible for Axie Infinity to capture more users. So what role does the game guild of Chain Games play, and what role does it play? It not only helps players enter the chain game market, but the broader significance of the existence of game guilds is to promote the development of DeFi and DAO, which is equivalent to a fund that does not require access.

As we all know, DeFi can provide financial services to the unbanked, but the premise of providing services is that users have funds in their hands. For example, a user's address needs to have funds in order to enter the lending market to obtain a loan. Of course, the unsecured lending launched by Aave provides the possibility for users who lack funds to obtain financial services, but the complexity of credit delegation can easily discourage users, and some protocols also need to provide credit endorsement in the centralized financial market. In contrast, the advantages brought by the game guild are not only lowering the threshold for entering the financial market, but also for those who have no credit rating and savings and have lost their jobs due to the epidemic, it is more important to play an open-end fund. Role. Before entering the fund, people do not need to be approved by anyone, nor do they face investment thresholds, and they can earn income only by investing time and cost. It can be said that the game guild, which is equivalent to an open-end fund, will make more people understand cryptocurrency and provide the first pot of gold for the latter to enter the market.

The relationship between game guilds and chain game projects is complementary. High-quality guilds can promote more new users to enter the chain game and cryptocurrency markets. Games with novel and profitable gameplay can help increase the number of guild members and increase guild income. Based on this, the scale of the chain game market will gradually expand, and the assets in the game will also penetrate into the DeFi market, providing more collateral for lending protocols, enriching asset classes, and promoting the integration of NFT and DeFi.

In addition to the impact on DeFi and chain games, the game guild will also affect the DAO, which has not caused too much waves in the cryptocurrency market, but cannot be ignored. DAOs allow like-minded individuals to allocate resources and make decisions in a secure manner to pursue common goals. Simply put, the rules of the DAO are encoded on the blockchain, kept running through smart contracts, and are not controlled by any centralized authority. The profitability of game guilds makes the development of DAO, a new type of social organization, more imaginative, and makes the relationship between DAO members and DAO itself closer.

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